Sunday, July 31, 2016

Just why do they want to Follow You?

So here you are cruising the Cyber highway, when you get an alert from Twitter or Google Plus Friends that you have a new follower.  I always ask the simple questions, Why do you want to follow me, Why am I interesting to you? And what the hell are you trying to sell me in the future? 
Now don't get me wrong , I understand that I'm a cyber radio celebrity, I fly SAR Helicopter missions, and I build custom Harley's as well as Tow. So maybe I am sort of interesting. I am as far as I can see, more independent than most, I have a nice not ravishly rich, but a comfortable income. I eat when I want to eat, I sleep when I want and overall I work, when I want or not work at all if I don't have to or feel like it. I have an assemblence of kountry southern intelligence, I'm all 100% Confederate American Male, but I'm at the same time very simple. I love nature, open spaces, and small town life. But in the global sense I'm not overall attractive, hell I'm 70 pounds overweight, I have type 2 diabetes, and I have other ailments. I'm nothing super special. So why does or would anyone find me interesting enough to want to be my Cyber, such as Twitter or Google Plus Friends , friend? I ask that everyday on Facebook, and such, why do you want to spend time with me. Unless I know you from my everyday domestic up close environment , I'm not going to give you any kind of attention. Only three times in my life has that kind of friend been worth the effort. The rest of the time, I have been carpetbagged and not in a big hurry to repeat it. Even now, my lady to be, although doing well at it, has to prove she wants me. So every month she sends money to help with the shop expenses Rent and such, that helps the club, and helps me. This means she's going to be a team player. She is sacrificing her pleasures and fun to help the greater cause. But usually, online anything is usually going to come back to bite you in the ass.
Examples of this is the sweet girl from Germany who needs to migrate from Germany because she just lost her parents, or some such, if only YOU(or me) would just send them several thousands of dollars, she will rush right over and hook up with you and live happy ever after. In reality your going to get fleesed. Back when I was just getting my feet under me online, I had just that happen to me while living in Centerville Utah. This weepy chick gets on there. Looked good until I looked up her photo, and found the whole damn thing a fraud. But by that time I was out some $6,500.00 I swore I'd not do it again. But ole my, here came a gal on Google Plus Friends, by the name of Denise , my I thought this might be something. Did a bit of digging , found that to be a fraud too. Look I know times are tough, and most need to make even a basic living or at least have food, I'm all for charity and helping those less fortunate, but I will not, absolutely not be taken advantage of. So why do they want to follow you? Ask simple questions, look for an extended profile, verify address and pic along with history, then verify again the Cyber highway has all kinds of pot holes, then accept a friend request. If you can't verify, say no.
Sorry no radio show overnight. Our systems are fighting with and AllWest, so hopefully I'll be on in the afternoon. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Earth, Wind & Fire - Fantasy

Its not about Slavery or racism, its about states rights and liberties and educating and activating those who truly don't know

Yesterday was enjoyable at least a bit more enjoyable for me. I ventured down to my second cousin's place to fetch My cousin Bud's old Chevy. So we all met up at Burger King there in Farmington Utah. It was great eating something that didn't run through me like water through a tin horn. It acctually tasted good. So we conversed a bit, with my second cousin, there and we talked over our views on the modern Confederacy, as well as the history of our Flag of Dixie. 
Now understand her son, is of a shade that might make seeing the stars and bars a condition of some hostility. So I explained the true meaning of that flag, and suggested she log on to there in is historical and factual details and information on the southern cause, what it was all about and the things they and when I say THEY I mean the Northern Yankee myths of what the war between the states that we of southern breeding call the war of northern invasion, but they don't teach in schools the truth to that conflict. I also remember not to long ago, a show at Memorial Day time when Beth Ann of CSCTalkRadio, ( told the story, after the Republican held House, declared it unlawful for someone to display a rebel flag on a confederates grave. Beth Ann told the full story, without the inclussion of call in's to interrupt the topic. That's why CSC Talk Radio is part of our programming on HazzardAyre and Cooter's Coast2Coast FM radio. Which you can find at . After our adventure and getting home with near no tail lights on the Chevy, parked in front of Ricks gate, dropped the trailer, Rick fed Lilly and I skeedadled home. Took a bath, think I got a bit of Sun stroke yesterday. and hit the rack.
The focal point to most if not all of what we do on the air, and cyber online radio is to focus attention on the cause of the great conflict as well as educate and yes activating those who do not know, to dig into their minds, hearts, put away that from which they have been taught in Yankee dominated educational institutions, and learn what that was all about, and the fact that even with two candidates for President, I wont vote for either one. I'm voting straight Confederate National Party, Ben Jones and all of it. But it does not matter the race since the conflict was not about supremacy it was about states rights and liberty. Which from every point was overshadowed by a bunch of wannabees trying to cash in on what the confederacy even todays Confederacy is all about. To put this up into a view that many simple minds can grip on,
  So many people do not have a grip of the heartache or the tragedy that happened during the 1860's. For those who might be of the Mormon faith, dig this, and you have to dig for the stories on this, but do you realize that the esteemed Joseph Smith was a page and messenger for General Robert E Lee ? The Church was founded on many of the truths of the Confederacy, but in these days of political Correctness, that even our Church leaders follow, those stories will never be told. Which is sad and as tragic . One of our Confederate historian's said it best. Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it. We are all human beings. We should love each other for our character not the color of our skin or our ethnic roots. Or the flag we fly. Dr. Martin King Don't Judge others by their ethnicity, but their actions. America is loosing itself on such trivial things. Our latest election is barking on the shootings of cops, cops shooting Blacks just because they MIGHT be guilty, seems we are time warped to the mid 1960's when this was an issue. Have we not as humans evolved beyond this? I would have rather heard from the Candidates how they are going to increase trade and exports of our Farmers and a still waiting for Farm Bill. I wanted to hear how the Candidates were going to ease up on our American truckers, and as well get the Government out of broadcasting and reorganize the Federal Communications Commission. Instead its about a mess of junk, created by one out of his mind jerk in South Carolina who was shown holding a rebel flag after shooting blacks in a church. If that incident had occured as a black man, holding an USA flag after shooting some white church goers, you would not heard much if anything about it. 
America we can do more about this and we should, it really is time America to rise above.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Don't you wish these online advertisers would send ad posting that were really directed to YOU?

Had a great day today, went and fetched me a microwave oven at Walmart in Riverdale a bedroom town of Ogden, Utah. Why go there when there's a Walmart in Etown? One the people at the one in Utah are kinder, two the ones in Utah are more familiar with their product offerings, and 3: there are hours I can't stand to go to our Etown Walmart. I just hate stupid. 
Okay so got home, flood of emails, and Facebook posts. Fine so one is from Ebay, peddling women's clothing. Hey Ebay do I look like or does my Ebay account screen name even resemble anything female? Same thing to Pinterest, and FB, is there something female about AyreWolf? duh? You'd think these mega million dollar online outfits would have human screeners, that could sift through the postings, and target each online subscriber. Kind of like the lady(or man) at the Post Office. The mail comes, the people sifts through it putting it into the bin of the person who will receive it on the other end. The postal employees don't make that much money, so maybe some of these overpaid college youth at Ebay, FB, Google and others ought to get a damn job, filtering by hand the damn electronic advertising. 
It's like FB says I can catch the eye of 85,000 people in Evanston Wyoming by advertising on their site. Excuse me Facebook have you been to Etown Wyoming, or took a look at our population numbers? We have at best 13,000 and maybe, 50,000 if you take in every person from mOuntain View, Lyman, Fort Bridger, Wyoming, as well as Randolph, Woodruff , and Garden City Utah. Maybe if you think of tourists, but the ones with their ass's planted here is only 13,000. No where near 85,000. Of course Verizon, thinks Evanston is in Utah rather than Wyoming, so WTF. Right?
Tried to get in touch with Nate, to get LiL Wolf to him for repair. No answer. I'm figuring that the only way that mini truck will run again, is for me to go buy a service manual, pay my shop rent for a few more months which means I have to reside here through Fucking winter, and fix the damn truck myself. It's like fixing tires and selling tires. Never wanted to sell tires, however the problems of me getting one 14" tire for the General, makes me think, shit just go open a good tire store. Heard Firestone is looking for a dealer here. 
Think we found a place for the radio station, as well as something we'll call Cooter's Malt Shoppe. Up on Front street. Do it all Hazzard/ plus old vintage 50's style, checkboard floor, and a place where someone even at 2:00AM can get a damn grease burger, and dripping greasy fries. Not some damn microwave processed yuck. Or a Subway at Pilot. You'd think Pilot would wake up and smell the coffee burning, how about a mini Denny's here? Twin Falls and even Burley Idaho has them. 
Look I'm not saying I'm all that, I'm a reassigned Marine Combat pilot, that can turn a wrench and make noise on the radio and rescue trucks and cars with a tow truck. A basically trained shade tree mechanic, that does most things outlaw. That's all I know,. Beyond that I am just me. I'd rather watch the Disney channel than any sporting event, other than NASCAR and any more that's hit and miss. Never know after May each year what channel its going to be on. I know how and am licensed to fly a helicopter and can drive 18 wheels although the latter I will admit haven't done since the tater harvest of 2011. I don't have a CDL, not that I can't pass the test, just can't find anybody here with a class 8 truck big enough and legal enough so I can go take the skills test. I had that on tap in Twin Falls, but I pushed to get outta there as I smelled Gold in Utah that turned into brass and cheap brass at that. 
When it comes to mobile road service I get called 1st every time. But because my mini service truck is outta service I loose $80.00 a call. When it comes to towing, my phone rigs at minimum 20 calls now a week. Because my LexiBelle is still down, I loose another $90.00 a call. The list goes on. If I was able to respond to these calls, mucho money could be going into my pocket. But like most things, people here are scared as hell if I start gaining traction. If I start making money, I buy things, and places. However Nate and others don't lift a hand when I float some MONEY making projects to them, instead of doing it myself. Hey Nate wanna fix my truck?
Sure I took it to Chad's Automotive here. But found out, not one single bolt had been turned, anywhere. What did I pay $450.00 for? Come Monday I'm filing a small claims action, for both no work, but the extra cost of me doing the repairs and my loss of income. Which should come to a hefty $20k or so. Should have fixed my truck huh Chad?
Seems as though every damn thing that get's done here in Etown, has to be done by me, or the Knytes per my suggestion. Yet get some respect or a big keyboard Rambo, named Beaver Dick and some dude named Wyosleuth or something, needs to bitch on my radio show pages. Really Beaver Dick? You have nothing better to do? 
But just once I'd like to see ads on Facebook, and my gmail targeted to me from Ebay, and others, not ones that have nothing to do with me, cause I'm not wearing a dress or heels.

BTW She>
 named this, 
 yes that is the Lexi who named my truck and why to this day my truck's name is LexiBelle. 
Adios Truckers.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Is it better if you Don't go to church? Gifts from above come when your not barking all the time.

So was looking at going to Church today, but fuel supply nearly spent, and looking at coinage to get milk and a few food stuffs, through the week, decided that I'd contact our Bishop. But the response to my request for refuel, came to late so I rolled over, went back to sleep. Then I got a text from my queen Shelly saying she had the $500.00 and was sending it, groovy, I thought, go down, pick that up, use the $50.00 of it which is now my handling fee for messing with that part of things, get some fuel, food and Skoal, about in that order. So I get down there, find a nice older lady there, got things done, treked up to the Pilot, refueled, got my Skoal, then went back to Walmart, to snag a Sub, but my insides not being calm after feeding brought me back here to the Wolf's Lair, and will go back there for feed and supplies later. At least now I can pay shop rent and all on time come next Monday.
But there are times that I think I get more blessings if I just don't go to church. Oh sure, I get a lot out of the lessons and renewing my commitment to Jesus and Heavenly Father, but after that, I'm becoming less social, and more for just Shelly and myself and the club. Beyond that who needs to go where your not really liked much less loved? Oh sure many will come up shake your hand and say welcome, but in their minds they're thinking, " What are YOU doing here? Wish you would leave, your not wanted." 
Moving on, visited with a Vietnam Vet today at Subway, he say my Air Combat shirt, thrust out his hand and said , "Welcome-Home." And he meant it. Although I have been home on active reserve duty since 2005. This Vet's remarks of, when you take the oath to defend and protect this nation does not stop, the second you get handed your DD-214. If your still able and willing and of a proper age, if the DoD needs you, you'll get your orders, it's that Subject to Recall, clause you sign. Which means you COULD get called up at any time. More L8R Aviators

Monday, July 11, 2016

This is not the Hazzard County or city you see or saw on TV this is the REAL Hazzard town and our lives there.

As both a pervayor of and a proud albeit currently none resident of, the real Hazzard, which is in Idaho, I'm often amuzed that so much of the outside nation things what I write about here is strictly about a TV show on the late 1970's to 1985, called the Dukes-of-Hazzard. 
Now granted, our township of Hazzard never started out that way. And yes our township was inspired by the Dukes, but we are talking of the real Hazzard.
The real Hazzard is situated between two less than 200 population townships, Tuttle and West-Point Idaho, and between the town of Hagerman and Wendell. Hazzard is the creation of a community of custom and go fast vehicle enthusiasts that got their name from the Dukes-of-Hazzard and from the shop the REAL Hazzard County Garage that was once Pat & Jim's Speed Shop. 
The township of Hazzard Idaho, is part of Gooding County, whose real sheriff is Shaun Geouff (goff), when Hazzard was created the sheriff was Earl J Brown, followed by Robert J Aja(a-haw).  Just as it was on TV the sheriff's cars are white, with the big star. For a time, the department ran used Lincoln Continentals but fuel and all shortly curtailed that. 
The township of Hazzard Idaho's was located in part of the large home that I lived in with my parents, and the shop aka Hazzard County Garage was located on the main drag in Hagerman Idaho, next to Hagerman Hardware across from Cady Auto Company, which is a sheep livestock trucking company. The Hazzard High School is really Hagerman High School, which it was comediac also the school colors orange and black just as was the General Lee. 
So when I speak of Hazzard Idaho, or growing up there, its not about growing up in a mythical place in the deep south, although ours shares many Confederate's in it who are from that area of the union, but I'm talking about growing up around a small farm town called Hagerman, that in 1982 officially became Hazzard Idaho.

Why do you like our page or group, and what was all the lovey dovey for on Top Gun?

It's always amazing that every snag in awhile I see someone click and like one of the many  Knytes or WolfPack supported Facebook groups or pages, let alone one of the few that is a direct connection reflection on my own personal business pages. The question I always want to ask is why? Why do you like one of my company's Facebook Pages? Are you an upcoming customer? Or are you just window shopping and kicking tires? Then there are the few that dig on one of our Club group pages or just groups. That are directed mostly towards our club members that are patched, dues paying blood oath and voted in members. Then I get these requests of can I be a member of your group? Or Page? My main answer is No, not everyone is the caliber of a person that we as an organization wants rummaging through our group or page. 
Okay out of just nothing to do watched Top Gun. I have seen this movie now for the upteenth time. My question is always, why they had to bring in a love interest into the film? The lovey dovey crap is just that crap. How about showing the real deal of going through a Top Gun, class? And what was the Volley Ball scene for? Just something to throw in to fill time? Shit, of all the military aviation films of that time, albeit Air Force based, still Iron Eagle was and is the best ever done. Period. There wasn't a bunch of lovey dovey bullshit, Iron Eagle was an air to air combat film, and that's what Top Gun isn't and Iron Eagle was. Although there is talking of a Top Gun 2 , out there, that's never been confirmed and second I think America is Tom Cruised out. 
Then this morning my lad SheWolf called, just wondering how I was. The answer is lousy. I'm still searching around here for a shop that I can afford. As for my lady , I love her to death, which adds to the stress of it, as without that shop , I can't make the extra money it will take to support us both. Likewise and while it wouldn't be cause for the club to give me the boot, but without the shop, I'm no use to them and therefore no support in any way from the Knytes. With so much more to do to LexiBelle and all, even to the degree of leaving this shit hole called Etown, that without a shop I'm stuck here. So even if and I do have visions of getting hitched, and settling down, without the shop, there's just no way. Love and all is nice, but no money flow from the shop or me going toewing, means there could not be no hitchin. And if the next question is, " What about the radio gig?" The answer is simple, the radio gig is the outreach from the Knytes and the WolfPack to those on the road trucking and flying in the air. Without the shop and/or LexiBelle and me going toewing, I'd be all to phony, to be on radio in any capacity, howling about going trucking, flying or anything else. I now start looking back on that fateful night me and a few club members sat in that office in Woods Cross Utah having a few barley pops, and stumbling on that notice from the FCC of a gone dark radio station here in Etown. Of which because of that and a few other things, I have decided to just stop drinking. Beer or anything, all that does is makes one more stupid. 
I didn't do much Sunday, Rick texted me telling me his ball joints were shot, so no trip to Utah to fetch my Cousin Bud's car, and with my feelings about our LDS Ward right now, I just went to sleep, and stayed asleep, as there really wasn't any real reason to wake up, and I half prayed that I wouldn't. No I'm not going to off myself or commit no suicide , still if the Reaper showed up, there would be no resistence or hessitation . No I'm not going to hurry up death, but I'd just asoon, have the Earth stop for a few , so I can get off, and be forgotten. 
Without my shop, and/or LexiBelle there ain't much left if anything to live for.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

From a time when life was simple and a place that honored other people and treated them with kindness This is Hazzard Lyfe

My Bishop at our Ward of the LDS Church once told me in a conversation that I was living at least in my sphere a life that was in a different era, and population attitude. I guess he was right, and I would guesstimate there are many doing the same thing. Countless TV shows from the era of the mid 1970's except one and why its always skipped I'll never know, but its a thirst of and wanting of a time when life was a helluva lot simpler, much more community, and not anywhere near online but to meet a person, you really had to meet a person. Uncle Jessie Duke said it best once that a stranger is a friend you haven't met yet. However it seems today if you do meet a stranger in a remote place, best keep your hand on your wallet and have a defense weapon somewhere on you.
The years from 1971 to 1985 living and being raised up near Hazzard Idaho on our farm there were some of the happiest days of my life. The simplest of pleasures, just taking a walk to get the mail, which was about a mile down our road, I used to sit either going down or coming back up, on this old fallen trunk of a tree there crossing a small, run off stream of water there and just visit with the squerrels, the birds, and other critters, not that they really understood what I was always jabbering about, at least I don't think so, but they'd jabber back in their language. So maybe it was just the tone not the words they understood. Ah you could smell the fresh cut hay both on the top of our place in our fields or across the road at the Shady Dairy. If you were really ambitious and you had your fishing pole you could take a bucket of worms or corn, I also took orange peel that really attracts fish, but go down to Hazzard Creek, and catch a trout or small catfish. Most of the time I'd throw it back and catch it another day.
Life then in Hazzard was a time of easiness , you got your kicks on or in something with an engine , 4 tires, and a half tank of gas. In my case it was usually 2 wheels, and a full tank of gas, since it only took 50 cents to fill my scoots tank. If I was wanting to just clown around I'd jump on this old diesel Ford Dexter tractor, and cut broadies in our fields if they were wet and the crops were in. If you hungered for a controlled substance, it was getting old Bill at Bills Market to sell a minor a can of Skoal. When it came to women, or girls, if you got a French kiss on the first date you scored. As for me if I got that and maybe a toe smooch I felt like a stud. Nobody even thought of doing the things, that kids , tweens, teens, do today. Hell it wasn't until I was just near 15 that I fully understood, what the hell a trainer bra was, or for that matter the differences were in bras. I just thought bra, if you got one off a girl, you were a Super stud. We had one TV channel then , there in Hazzard, (KMVT-11) which was a CBS station, but ran programming from all three networks. You would see the Wonder Years, on one night, Boy meets World (Yes the show is that old) another night and of course religiously Friday Nights at 7:00PM it was the Dukes-of-Hazzard. Mysteries of female anatomy were fun, few of us watched Porn, for me my nose was always into Hot Rod or Popular Hot Rodding Magazines or dreaming from reading a JC Whitney Catalog. It was a time where nights while we had air conditioning, still I slept with my window open and the sweet gurgling of Hazzard Creek would take any cares I had away and I'd sleep. Of course in 1981 my life changed a lot. I already had 4 years in the Marines, and was watching the ads for the AutoRama in Utah. We as a crew at the then Pat & Jims Speed Shop, in Hazzard, had already began work, on our hot rod which was way before the Gen Lee, we called ours the General Jackson, based on a 69 Chevy Caprice, the reason we painted ours John Deere Construction yellow was A the paint was cheap, two it covered everything and two got it at a discount. So it was 1981, Our crew was contemplating our display for Gen Jackson, and was looking into white go-go boots for our Maneequin car hop. Oh I'd seen the ones with roller skates, but at the time a film was popular called the Hollywood Knights. In it the car hops wore white drill team style go-go boots. Somebody told us that over in Paul there was a Junior High school, that still used them so over Bro and I went. Just out of the corner of my eye a fairly good duplicate of ye old Gen Lee sat with a sign that said FOR SALE, $1,500.00 
The car soon became mine , Jimmy and I did a good redoux and Hagerman became Hazzard Idaho and the rest is history. But our thrills were simple, life was simple. Girls were less complicated, with all that has happened to me since and even slightly before my Mom died, in 1983, is it any wonder that I cling to that time that I knew what I was doing and where I belonged? 
This then is Hazzard Lyfe, and even though I have said it all too many times, I'll say it again. Hazzard County, is not just a place on earth, but a place in your heart and soul. Those that go to Hazzard to vacation, few want to leave. Those who do leave long to go back as do I.