Yesterday was enjoyable at least a bit more enjoyable for me. I ventured down to my second cousin's place to fetch My cousin Bud's old Chevy. So we all met up at Burger King there in Farmington Utah. It was great eating something that didn't run through me like water through a tin horn. It acctually tasted good. So we conversed a bit, with my second cousin, there and we talked over our views on the modern Confederacy, as well as the history of our Flag of Dixie.
Now understand her son, is of a shade that might make seeing the stars and bars a condition of some hostility. So I explained the true meaning of that flag, and suggested she log on to there in is historical and factual details and information on the southern cause, what it was all about and the things they and when I say THEY I mean the Northern Yankee myths of what the war between the states that we of southern breeding call the war of northern invasion, but they don't teach in schools the truth to that conflict. I also remember not to long ago, a show at Memorial Day time when Beth Ann of CSCTalkRadio, ( told the story, after the Republican held House, declared it unlawful for someone to display a rebel flag on a confederates grave. Beth Ann told the full story, without the inclussion of call in's to interrupt the topic. That's why CSC Talk Radio is part of our programming on HazzardAyre and Cooter's Coast2Coast FM radio. Which you can find at . After our adventure and getting home with near no tail lights on the Chevy, parked in front of Ricks gate, dropped the trailer, Rick fed Lilly and I skeedadled home. Took a bath, think I got a bit of Sun stroke yesterday. and hit the rack.
The focal point to most if not all of what we do on the air, and cyber online radio is to focus attention on the cause of the great conflict as well as educate and yes activating those who do not know, to dig into their minds, hearts, put away that from which they have been taught in Yankee dominated educational institutions, and learn what that was all about, and the fact that even with two candidates for President, I wont vote for either one. I'm voting straight Confederate National Party, Ben Jones and all of it. But it does not matter the race since the conflict was not about supremacy it was about states rights and liberty. Which from every point was overshadowed by a bunch of wannabees trying to cash in on what the confederacy even todays Confederacy is all about. To put this up into a view that many simple minds can grip on,
So many people do not have a grip of the heartache or the tragedy that happened during the 1860's. For those who might be of the Mormon faith, dig this, and you have to dig for the stories on this, but do you realize that the esteemed Joseph Smith was a page and messenger for General Robert E Lee ? The Church was founded on many of the truths of the Confederacy, but in these days of political Correctness, that even our Church leaders follow, those stories will never be told. Which is sad and as tragic . One of our Confederate historian's said it best. Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it. We are all human beings. We should love each other for our character not the color of our skin or our ethnic roots. Or the flag we fly. Dr. Martin King Don't Judge others by their ethnicity, but their actions. America is loosing itself on such trivial things. Our latest election is barking on the shootings of cops, cops shooting Blacks just because they MIGHT be guilty, seems we are time warped to the mid 1960's when this was an issue. Have we not as humans evolved beyond this? I would have rather heard from the Candidates how they are going to increase trade and exports of our Farmers and a still waiting for Farm Bill. I wanted to hear how the Candidates were going to ease up on our American truckers, and as well get the Government out of broadcasting and reorganize the Federal Communications Commission. Instead its about a mess of junk, created by one out of his mind jerk in South Carolina who was shown holding a rebel flag after shooting blacks in a church. If that incident had occured as a black man, holding an USA flag after shooting some white church goers, you would not heard much if anything about it.
America we can do more about this and we should, it really is time America to rise above.